Blue Dinosaur Bummie Shorts
These bummies are perfect for keeping your little dino lover happy and cool! They are constructed from bullet material, which is a little heavier weight than some but the fun texture and added structure is worth it!
Each pair of bummies comes with a no-itch size tag so they can be worn even by kiddos with sensory sensitivities 💛
These bummies are perfect for keeping your little dino lover happy and cool! They are constructed from bullet material, which is a little heavier weight than some but the fun texture and added structure is worth it!
Each pair of bummies comes with a no-itch size tag so they can be worn even by kiddos with sensory sensitivities 💛
These bummies are perfect for keeping your little dino lover happy and cool! They are constructed from bullet material, which is a little heavier weight than some but the fun texture and added structure is worth it!
Each pair of bummies comes with a no-itch size tag so they can be worn even by kiddos with sensory sensitivities 💛